Get Involved

KiloWatts for Humanity is an all-volunteer run nonprofit based in Seattle, WA.
We are always looking for volunteers. No experience necessary. Check out our calendar for an up-coming meeting.
To be notified of volunteer meetings, please email
Join us today in our efforts to end energy poverty!
Subscribe to our quarterly newsletter, or read below for more information on our volunteer opportunities

Volunteer Teams:
Microgrid Design
The KWH microgrid design team works on several technical aspects of off-grid electrification
including load profiling, system sizing, vendor coordination, and more. We also research new
technologies and advise other organizations with similar electrification goals and values.
Sustainable Business
KiloWatts for Humanity's business team works with our in-country partners to develop project
specific economic models to prepare solar kiosks for success. Business team volunteers use
surveys to learn about the communities goals and then work with each community to tailor a
site specific business plan.
The KWH training team helps to ensure project sustainability by providing detailed
documentation and training materials with every project. This includes documentation on both
the technical details and business models behind an energy kiosk operation, as well as
thorough in-person training sessions with our partners during project implementation.
Data Acquisition
Having real-time data about the status of the microgrids we implement gives KWH extra tools
to ensure each microgrid's prolonged success. As a Data Acquisition team member, you can
help with electronics design, computer system administration, and/or programming, and help
build and improve our ever-growing Data Acquisition Systems. The data we collect is often
used to troubleshoot and resolve onsite problems. Help us improve the sustainability of these
systems that empower people around the world!
Media & Outreach
KiloWatts for Humanity's media and marketing team welcomes volunteers that have a desire
to help promote our cause and spread awareness about our organization, from utilizing social
media platforms to organizing promotional events and marketing materials. Join our team and
begin contributing to help us spread the light!